
Track SMS Campaigns Click-Through Rate on LeadWire [Product Update]

Last week we launched a new update to LeadWire that introduces new analytics tools for tracking click-through rate (CTR) of SMS campaigns.  This update also includes a series of new tools to help customers shorten URL’s in their campaigns, that way we can provide CTR information, besides shortening characters used in each campaign.

Click Through Rate

URL Shortener

The new URL Shortener feature allow campaign managers to shorten long website URL’s without having to rely on external services. Since character length is an important part of SMS messaging, we’ve set a fixed length of 24 characters regardless of your URL length.  To shorten a URL, LeadWire will detect links in your campaign content and automatically enable the Shorten URL button, once you press the button your link will be replaced with its short version.  You can then use that URL, and test it if you wish before sending the campaign.  Once your contacts press the short URL they will be redirected to your original URL and we will count unique clicks to your link. 

Click-Through Rate Analysis

While short URL’s help you maximize your SMS campaigns it also allow us to provide you with a detailed report on your campaign’s performance. These details are displayed in different ways, first we’ve added a new series to the Audience Reached chart in the Dashboard where clicks for each campaign are shown.

We also added these analytics to each campaign that uses a LeadWire Short URL in the campaign list, and its details.  This information is updated in real-time and you can the actual number of clicks as well as the percentage (CTR).  Next, we plan to provide this analysis based on audiences, so you can compare which audiences respond better to your campaigns and what type of campaigns get more results.

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