
Creating Marketing Tactics for Consumers

The consumer decision process is a vast method proven to be accurate when a person has a problem no matter the type of consumer they may be. The simple version goes like this:

  1. Recognition of a problem
  2. Information search 
  3. Evaluation of options available
  4. Purchase of a product or service
  5. Post-purchase fulfillment 
Marketing Tactics

We first must understand what causes a problem in the first place. Have you ever felt bored, worried, or down? These are feelings that drive you to start thinking about situations that you currently have and how you can better them. They don’t all have to be sad emotions there are other factors like needs and wants you should take into consideration.

If you want to learn more read about Maslow’s pyramid of needs. A good example can be watching an ad for a brand-new car, you might still have a decent one but that feeling of getting a new one comes from the recognition of problems and expectations that we build.

The First Step of the Consumer Decision Process

In this blog, we’re going to focus on the first stage of the consumer decision process, the problem recognition. As mentioned before this is caused by feelings but also the result of a discrepancy between an actual state and the desired state that is enough to start the process.

There’s the actual state where we perceive the feelings and the situation we’re in and there’s the desired state, the way an individual wants to be or feel now. Identifying the desired state is a key component in your marketing tactics to target specific feelings that you can provide for your customers.

Not only that, but after knowing how they want to be perceived there are two types of consumer problems. The active, which means a consumer is aware or will become aware when the time comes, and the inactive, when the consumer is not aware of it.

It’s important to recognize what state your consumers are because even if you have a revolutionary product, they might not care for it due to not seeing why it’s worth it for them. 

We have two consumer problems, and both are the opposite. After identifying which one is more pertinent for your consumer that’s how we start tackling the mind. When we’re talking about active problems the marketer only needs to convince the consumers that its brand is the better solution.

Now when dealing with an inactive problem it gets a bit complicated because not only do you have to convince the consumer that you’re the better solution, but you must convince them that they do have a challenge and that it causes them discomfort. 

Thus, the consumer decision process is a substantial topic that we can learn a lot about. Even with just the first step, you can already start thinking about how your marketing tactics will be developed. It’s important to take into consideration what type of the desired feeling does your consumer wants to have and whether it’s an active or inactive problem.

The more complicated one is the inactive because it’s harder to convince someone that they have a problem rather than working with a consumer that wants a solution already. Always keep in mind that the types of situations consumers deal with change every day therefore it’s important to pay attention to your customers and any new needs that might surge.   

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