
How to use SMS campaigns amid executive orders by COVID-19?

We all have been impacted in one way or another by the protocols established by the Covid–19. Leadwire allows you to manage and innovate your strategies and keep your customers informed. Through its cloud-based platform, you can build a solid and reliable relationship with new and existing customers. Statistics show that SMS marketing will increase your sales by 21%. Also, 9 out of 10 people prefer to communicate with companies through text messages. You will learn different ways Leadwire will help you optimize your relationship with customers and employees.

Government executive orders blog

1. Combine SMS with your email campaign

Recent studies have shown that 48% of consumers preferred to receive updates and maintain brand loyalty through text messaging. Whereas, 22% preferred their communication through email messaging. The reality is that your customers are more likely to see text messages from your company, compared to emails that will end up in the junk mailbox. Nevertheless, you can still combine them, you can send the offer (if applicable) by text message but remind them when the offer ends by email. Learn how to send SMS campaigns with Leadwire. 

2. Keeping customers informed about new products and relevant information

In addition, to consumers’ preference for receiving offers and promotions by SMS campaigns, studies have shown that text messages have an average open rate of 98% and a response rate of 45%. In other words, the probability of messages being opened and generate sales is very high.


3. Keeping employees informed about the company

Our platform supports business owners by bringing the fastest and most accessible information to your staff, which may optimize processes within your company. Employees are key to your company! Keeping them informed through text messages is a great option since 95% of people have mobile phones and it is proven that 97% of these are read within 15 minutes after being sent. 

4. Inform your customers of your schedules

In times where executive orders are changing rapidly, all companies are forced to adjust. Leadwire will help your company to get your information in the fastest and most accessible way, keeping everyone informed and therefore, not affected by any sudden changes.

5. Send promotions and coupons

Studies show that 75% of customers would like to receive text message offers. Even more, 6 out of 10 customers respond to messages within 5 minutes of delivery. As an accessible cloud platform, Leadwire has the tools where you can easily send offers and coupons. 

6. Send customer satisfaction surveys

Customer satisfaction is an important metric to measure after-sales feedback and customer loyalty. In addition, will help to grow as a company with internal employee satisfaction surveys. Sending different types of surveys and learning their opinion improve your company’s performance, since 95% of the SMS are opened and answered within three minutes of delivery. This will help to maintain a high-level satisfaction and improve to adjust to any upcoming changes.

Leadwire has the tools your company needs.

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