Customer insights that will help you grow your business
In our last blog we talked about how to research marketing intelligence or where we can find it. Now that we have the information needed we can start to acquire it for customer insight. Remember that marketing intelligence helps us understand the motives, needs and pains that a customer might have with the help of online sources and information technology.
To better understand how this data is collected, companies call it big data. This essentially is the huge and complex data sets generated by today’s sophisticated information generation, collection, storage, and analysis technologies.
There’s so much recollection of information that companies put a great effort in using the right data. This effect is summarized by the garbage in garbage out (GIGO) theory, which means the quality of data gathered will determine how accurate the output information is.
To start managing your information, you will need thorough planning beforehand. This planning should start with the objective in order to understand what you want out of this research and what do you gain when you’ve found it.
What specific information you want to know that will cause a significant change in the way your company handles marketing?
The next step is to look for information that already exists; this is called secondary research. It can be found in internal search engines, companies’ internal databases, or purchases from an external supplier.
It’s important to not overlook this information because of how easy the internet has made it to gather. In a matter of seconds, we can start looking for anything valuable that catches our eyes. Having said that, we have to be careful with GIGO, use information that’s up to date, not biased, and that it’s relevant to the objective.
Possible websites to gather information are:
After using your secondary information it’s important to compliment them with primary information if you couldn’t find enough for a solid clear assertion. Need more information about primary information then visit our blog .
When using primary information, you must assemble your guide tools from the beginning.
Examples of them are:
- Focus groups
- Interviews
- Questionnaire
- Surveys
- Open-ended questions
Remember to keep track of how many people you’ve worked with, they are known as a segment. Segments are important to compare for future studies or to see the reliability of the information gathered based on the total of people that participated. You can create units, sizes, or procedures with it.
The last step is for the market researcher or data analytics specialist to start tracing the dots to discover suppositions that will help the company with its target demographic. It’s important when presenting the finding that they’re simple to understand so other peers will have access to the same information.
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