
How relevant is your website and SEO?

Looking for information through a search engine has become the norm today. Whether it be to look for an Italian restaurant or to see at what hour the supermarket closes. We can see that customers are looking for easy access to information to satisfy a need. 

Website SEO

If you do not happen to have one, luckily there are a lot of website builders that make it easy for you to create it, even if you are not too tech-savvy and while you are at it, they provide you with the opportunity of creating your domain.

Now that you have your website, there is a whole new world to explore. You can learn about user interface (UI), user experience (UX), customer experience (CX), and search engine optimization (SEO) which is what this blog is going to focus on.

What is search engine optimization?

Search engine optimization is the improvement of the information displayed on your website to increase traffic organically. If you understand the current trends that your customers are looking for right now, while you modify the content that can be offered on your website, this sets you up to appear higher on the search bar and improve retention.

Why is it important?

You have at your disposal a free way of increasing your website tracking thus creating a name for yourself while establishing the brand you want to be. There is a reason why you can create a career out of SEO optimization that many companies invest millions of dollars each year. The more invested you are in creating relevant information, the more the search engine will award you.   

How to use measure SEO?

Thankfully, it is not difficult to measure your efforts with key performance metrics. The combination of Google Analytics and Google Trends gives you a clear sense of what is working and what can be improved.

With Google Analytics, the key is to track website activity such as retention, unique clicks, outbound links, bounce rate, etc. for potential leads. All of this is easily digestible for your team to get on track to start analyzing in order to optimize your website. It evens provides you with an option to let artificial intelligence create predictive analysis and what should be changed.

The utilization of Google Trends allows you to be one step ahead of the competition. It analyzes the popularities of what people are searching for at the moment with the ability to compare keywords to see which one has been seeing more traffic. Not only that, but you also have access to this information for free and it can set the time range as far back as 2004.

Creating a website with your own domain has never been this easy. Pair that with the amount of free information that you can find online for optimizing your website; you’re helping yourself gain more traction. The necessary tools are out there to keep up with what is happening and what new trends might surge. 

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